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Raytheon Co. celebrates Pi Day by delivering hundreds of apple pies to nearby schools

Happy Pi Day, folks. If you’re like me, you probably woke up and forgot to celebrate. But there are thousands of students across the country today who will remember, thanks in part to Raytheon Co.’s giant pie delivery. A year ago, the defense contractor distributed apple pies to schools within a 3.14-mile radius of its Waltham headquarters as part of the company’s broader MathMovesU effort to help kids get excited about science and math.

This year, Raytheon is taking the Pi Day thing to a whole new level. The company is delivering hundreds of apple pies today to math and science teachers at middle and high schools within a 3.14-mile radius of eight of its major facilities. Raytheon is shipping them to schools near its Waltham office and Tewksbury plant, of course. But it’s also dropping pies off at schools in Tucson, Indianapolis, Orlando, Omaha, Huntsville, Ala., and El Segundo, Calif.

A spokeswoman for the company tells me that Raytheon employees are delivering the pies. Most of them are freshly baked on-site at Raytheon kitchens. With a stunt like this, what can Raytheon do to top itself next year? The company is already teaming up with the Los Angeles Kings to hold a Pizza Pi and Pucks Day at a school in California (Raytheon is apparently teaching math problems there that involve pi and pizza pie). Maybe they can start delivering pizzas to other schools within their 3.14-mile radii.

Or maybe they can add a multi-media component by giving out DVDs of director Darren Aronofsky’s first film, appropriately entitled “Pi.” Despite the number’s cult following, that flick is probably the only movie that’s devoted entirely to the magic of (approximately) 3.14.